Call for papers
The NRU HSE International Laboratory for Applied Network Research is pleased to announce a call for papers for its First International Conference on Social Network Analysis, on November 20-21, 2014, in Moscow, Russia. The conference is organized in cooperation with the NRU HSE Faculty of Management, as part of its 7th Annual Conference "Contemporary Problems in Management: Exploring the Boundaries". Though held as part of the management conference, the Social Network Analysis section is a stand-alone conference, and we welcome works from a variety of disciplines, with only the methodology of network analysis as the uniting common theme.
In editorial to the first issue of “Network Science” Wasserman and colleagues cite Duncan Watts, who said that “Networks are important because if we don’t understand networks, we can’t understand how markets function, organizations solve problems, or how societies change.” (Network Science, 1, p. 2). There is no question of whether the field of social networks is important: as several recent publications at HSE demonstrate, social networks are becoming one of the priority research areas. What makes this field unique is that it is truly multidisciplinary: many social fields are interconnected and should be studied in parallel using the same instruments.
The conference is aimed at the international, interdisciplinary community of scholars interested in network analysis methodology and applying it in a variety of fields of inquiry. The focus of the conference is developmental, and we especially encourage students and young researchers to submit their work for early feedback on their projects (please see “Student Paper Competition” for details).
Submitted abstracts (please see Registration page) should be no more than 300 words and clearly outline research goals, methodology, and key findings/implications). Extended abstracts for Student Paper Competition should be no more than 2000 words in length. All abstracts will be blind-reviewed with feedback provided regardless of the acceptance decision.
Keynote Speakers
Stanley Wasserman, Indiana University and HRU HSE
Vladimir Batagelj, University of Ljubljana, FMF, Department of Mathematics
Special Session: Analysis And Visualization Of Networks Using Pajek
On November 19, 2014, Vladimir Batagelj will present a one-day workshop on Pajek. The workshop will focus on introduction to concepts and presentation of corresponding Pajek's methods, corresponding to Chapters 2 and 3 of the text “Understanding Large Temporal Networks and Spatial Networks: Exploration, Pattern Searching, Visualization and Network Evolution” by Patrick Doreian, Vladimir Batagelj, Anuska Ferligoj, Natasa Kejzar. For details, please refer to
Student Paper Competition/Travel Award
To involve young scholars in the studies of networks, and especially to increase the involvement of young scholars from regions of Russia, we are pleased to announce a Student Paper Competition. To be eligible, the paper must be written by student of any level (from undergraduate to PhD) as the first author. To submit paper for a competition, please mark an appropriate box on the registration form (please see Registration Page), and submit an extended abstract (no more than 2000 words) with your registration. A winner and several finalists (should there be more than one paper tied for a second and third place) will receive travel stipends to offset the cost of travel to Moscow or a cash award up to 10,000 rubles. The exact amount and the number of awards will depend on the number of winning/mentioned papers.
Submission Deadline: October 21, 2014
Acceptance Notification: November 1, 2014
Registration deadline (without submitted paper): November 7, 2014