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Our team

Vladimir Batagelj,
Prof. Batagelj joined the International Laboratory for Applied Network Research in 2017, and together with Prof. Wasserman (Indiana University, USE), and Anuška Ferligoj (University of Ljubljana) become one of the founder-fathers of the HSE Master Program “Applied Statistics with Network Analysis”. He received his PhD from the Edvard Kardelj University in Ljubljana, and brings expertise in in mathematics and computer science, combinatorics with emphasis on graph theory, algorithms on graphs and networks, combinatorial optimization, algorithms and data structures, cluster analysis, visualization and applications of information technology in education.With Andrej Mrvar (and Matjaz Zaversnik) he is developing from 1996 a program Pajek for analysis and visualization of large networks.
Liudmila S. Veselova

Executive Officer

Alexander Zabolotsky

Head of "Asian Studies"

Daria Maltseva

Leading Consultant

Irina Zangieva

Leading Consultant

Ekaterina Shabanova

Statistical Consultant

Dina Yakovleva

Statistical Consultant


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