ANR-Lab Open Seminar "Technosocial Institutions: a meta-ontological conceptualization"
On June 2 at 15:00, ANR-Lab employee Petar Kovacevic will present a report "Technosocial Institutions: a meta-ontological conceptualization".

In the technosocial space (city traffic, metaverse, web 3.0 etc.) a new class of institutions (cryptocurrencies, NFTs, wikis, social media, digital marketplaces etc.) is emerging. This emerging class of institutions cannot be analyzed and designed using existing frameworks for institutional analysis and design, due to the fact that these frameworks are based on the concepts of meta institutions which do not correspond to the basic institutional characteristcs of the technosocial space.
At the seminar, apart from the critical analysis of existing meta concepts of institution, it will be presented a new meta-ontological concept which the author called Technosocial Institution (TSI). The critical analysis and conceptualization of TSI was conducted using a new model of the institutional meta-ontology according to
- institution is defined by: composition, functions, actors, and social space.
- institutions could be seen as social as well as technological phenomenon.
Seminar language: English.
Please register via the link.
ATTENTION! The seminar has been rescheduled for 15:00 on June 2.