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ANR-Lab Seminar “What Determines Scientific Impact? Comparison of Two Citation-based Approaches”

Event ended

On Monday, June 7th, at 17:00, research assistant Alina Arslanova will present the results of her thesis on scientific influence.

Scientific impact is the basis of academic capital, so its determinants are constantly focused on scientific attention. Unfortunately, a major part of the research that has been published to date has some important limitations. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to identify factors that affect the impact generated as a result of a single research publication. Using the theoretical optics of the sociology of science as a conceptual framework, we explore the effect of a range of manuscript, author, and journal-related attributes on scientific impact as measured by two indicators alternative to citation count. The first indicator of impact is equivalent to the number of citations; that is, it describes the “visible” way of diffusion of scientific ideas, or the so-called “direct” impact of a paper on the documents that cite it. The second indicator, in addition, reflects the “hidden” path of dissemination of scientific knowledge, or “indirect” impact and is expressed in the number of explicit and implicit citations (by the term “implicit,” we imply the use of ideas without a direct reference to its author, but with the possibility of identifying the original source through a chain of citations).

The seminar language is - Russian. The meeting will be held online on the Zoom platform.

If you would like to participate in the seminar, please write to the research assistant of the laboratory Aryuna Radnaeva (aradnaeva@hse.ru, +7 (910) 416-72-82).