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Methodological ANR-Lab seminar “Studying the qualitative social network analysis”

Event ended

On Monday, December 20, at 17:00, a scientific seminar of the International Laboratory of Applied Network Research will be held, where Aryuna Kim, research assistant at ANR-Lab and 2d year graduate student in sociological sciences, will present the main issues with her dissertation research.

Social network analysis as a method to study social structures consisting of units and relationships can be attributed to the statistical method. Social network analysis in sociology, within the framework of the structuralist approach, is aimed at studying social structures, where actors and their relationships are embedded in networks, and the structure of the network affects the social interactions of actors. Deep social structures as the subject of research in network analysis can also be identified in qualitative methodology, if it is possible to combine the structuralist model with the interpretive model of sociological explanation. The qualitative method is able to reflect the construction of forms of relations and perceptions of their actors. However, is qualitative network analysis possible?

Aryuna will talk about her article plans, followed by a discussion with the participants.

If you would like to participate in the seminar, please write to the research assistant of the laboratory Aryuna Kim (avkim@hse.ru, +7 (910) 416-72-82).