ANR-Lab Seminar “Actor-network theory of Bruno Latour”
On Monday, October 17, at 17:00, a scientific seminar of the International Laboratory for Applied Network Research will be held, where the head of the laboratory Daria Maltseva and experts Yuri Voinilov and Stanislav Moiseev will discuss the connection between network analysis and Bruno Latour's actor-network theory and his contribution to science research.
Bruno Latour is a French philosopher and sociologist, the founder of the actor-network theory. Latour died on October 9 at the age of 75 (1947-2022). At the seminar, we want to honor the memory of the scientist and talk about his contribution to network analysis.
In his works, he touched on many areas of knowledge – ecology, law, science, technology, philosophy, sociology and others. The actor-network theory of Latour considers social relations not only of people, but also of non-humans (for example, technological complexes, artifacts, animals, etc.). This approach allows describing relationships that are both material (between things) and semiotic (between concepts).
Registration for the seminar is available here.
We will be glad to see everyone!