Seminar ANR-Lab 'Factors of increasing social capital in the student body'
On Monday, February 6, at 17:00, a seminar of the International Laboratory for Applied Network Research will take place, where the 1st year student of the Programme ‘Sociology’ Anton Sizov will talk about the network analysis of the student group.
Attention! The time has changed. New seminar time is 17:00.
The purpose of the study is to identify the factors of building up the social capital of first-year students and the patterns by which the student team grows – to determine what affects its cohesion; learning how it will develop over time. Anton conducted a network analysis of the relationships of his 156 classmates. During the study, he compared indicators of the cohesion of study groups, social capital and student recognition with their background and characteristics (victories in olympiads, resettlement in dormitories, schools, olympiad teams, chosen courses, gender).
Registration for the seminar is available here.
We will be glad to see everyone!