ANR-lab seminar «Aryuna Kim's state final exam rehearsal - qualitative research analysis»
On October 16, at 17:00, a laboratory seminar will be held, where junior researcher fellow Aryuna Kim will make a presentation of her report for the state final examination.
Modern sociological problems are associated with a variety of methodological research practices, their designation as separate methodological approaches and their mixing with other methods in empirical research. One of such approaches is network analysis in sociology, which is designated as the analysis of structures consisting of units and connections between them. Network analysis is referred to as a statistical method, since it is aimed at studying social structures where actors and their relationships are embedded in networks, and the structure of the network influences the social interactions of actors. There is a practice of using qualitative methods in network analysis, where at the stage of data collection and analysis, attention is paid to the perception and construction of relationships between actors in the network. Deep social structures, as the subject of research in network analysis, can also be identified in qualitative methodology, where the structuralist model is combined with the interpretive model of sociological explanation. The qualitative method is able to reflect the construction of forms of relations and perceptions of their actors. The boundaries between qualitative network methodology and mixed research methodology are very blurred, which leads to an ambiguous designation of methodological approaches, as well as to diverse research practices of using qualitative methods in network research. The problem of defining and distinguishing qualitative network research is relevant, namely, how network structuring in a qualitative methodology can be justified and deployed as an independent methodology.
Seminar language: English
The seminar will be held in a closed format, to attend, write to the laboratory employee Alina Konyusheva at