ANR-Lab Seminar "Structural Stability of the Russian Sociologists’ Online Community: 2011—2018"
Dear Colleagues! We invite you to a new session of the regular scientific seminar of the Laboratory for Applied Network Research. On April 15 at 15:00 (Moscow time) Daria Maltseva, head of the Laboratory for Applied Network Research, and Aryuna Kim, junior research fellow at the laboratory, will talk about the results of a large study of the Russian online community of sociologists.
The study is devoted to assessing the stability of the community structure of an online group of Russian sociologists. Using online community data (seven years of interactions from 2011 to 2018), we constructed networks based on comments and reactions. To assess the stability of the community, we analyzed the communication of its participants over four periods, and also revealed the structural patterns of their interactions using a block modeling tool. The results of the study show that the community structure corresponds to the “core-periphery” type, where these positions are structured differently in networks of comments and reactions. The sizes of the core and periphery fluctuate over different periods of time, however, the stability of their presence in the overall structure of the community is high. Although within these positions themselves, according to the modified Rand index, the stability is low.
Language of the Seminar: English.
Register via the link. If you have any troubles, please, write to Artem Oganyan.
Aryuna Kim
Junior Research Fellow
Daria Maltseva
Laboratory Head