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Expolatory analysis

Expolatory analysis is a set of methods used at the preliminary stages of analysis. Explorer analysis is designed to set priorities, develop operational definitions and improve the final design of the study. It includes basic descriptive statistics, data visualization and correlation analysis.

Useful literature

  1. S. Weisberg. Applied linear regression. Wiley, 2005 (access via the HSE Library).
  2. D.J. Olive Linear Regression. Springer, 2017 (access via the HSE Library).
  3. J. Gross Linear Regression. Springer, 2012 (access via the HSE Library).
  4. Draper, Norman R., and Harry Smith. Applied Regression Analysis, John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 1998 (access via the HSE Library).
  5. Montgomery, Douglas C., et al. Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis, John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2015 (access via the HSE Library).
  6. Yan, Xin. Linear Regression Analysis: Theory and Computing, World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd, 2009 (access via the HSE Library).


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