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April Conference is near at hand already

This year the conference will feature a new session dedicated to Network Analysis. The session will address theoretical and empirical studies from a broad range of disciplines which rely on network theory or utilize network analysis methods.

Deadline approaching: call for abstracts for XVIII April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development

Deadline: November 13, 2016

International Laboratory for Applied Network Research is pleased to announce a special session on networks at the XVIII April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development, which will take place April 11-14, 2017, in Moscow, Russia. Having become the premier conference on economic and social issues, this year it will feature a new session dedicated to Network Analysis. The session will address theoretical and empirical studies from a broad range of disciplines, which rely on network theory or utilize network analysis methods.

Possible topics for submissions include:

·        network science models and tools for network analysis, including multilevel and complex networks;

·        current gaps in network science methodology; 

·        creation of network datasets in sociology, management, education, and other fields that focus on the pressing issues;

·        creation of cross-sectional and longitudinal models of networks and behavior in a variety of disciplines for testing on real and simulated data;

·        evaluating the impact of research design on robustness and resistance of network models;

·        creating software applications of new network methodology;

·        any other networks-related studies.


Studies from all disciplines are welcome. Working language of the session is English. To involve young scholars in the studies of networks, and especially to increase the involvement of young scholars from regions of Russia, we are pleased to announce a Student Paper Competition. To be eligible, the paper must be written by student of any level (from undergraduate to PhD) as the first author. For details, please contact anr@hse.ru.

Abstracts in either Word or .rtf formats, up to 7,000 symbols, can be submitted after creating a profile, https://bpm.hse.ru/Runtime/Runtime/Form/RegistrationEN/. Make sure you save the registration email with link to your profile, if you need to submit more than one abstract or return at a later time. Details about the conference can be found here: https://conf.hse.ru/en/2017.

We look forward to your submissions!