Семинар ANR-Lab "Изучение сообществ исследователей педагогического образования: библиометрическое исследование"
В понедельник, 7 февраля, в 17:00 состоится научный семинар Международной лаборатории прикладного сетевого анализа, где научный сотрудник Лаборатории исследований образовательной политики Московского городского педагогического университета Денис Ананин представит доклад “Изучение сообществ исследователей педагогического образования: библиометрическое исследование”.
Based on initial findings of the bibliometric study I would like to present insights into the field of teacher education research. Originally, teacher education is considered as a nation-based research area because of its specific focus on the national issues and teaching subjects. The main interest bases on the research question how the teacher education scholars build their communities on a national level and internationally. The globe perspective offers overview of research capacity, research patterns, and the topical variety of the field. The research appears as an established research field with a sustainable research agenda. The study brings evidence that the representatives of globally visible teacher education research build stable research sub-communities within teaching subject areas. The international collaborations of teacher education researchers are embedded into historical and cultural conventions of countries’ interactions.
The ongoing study focuses on more detailed collaboration structure and publishing strategies of teacher education researchers. After sharing the results of the working paper, I would offer discussion questions regarding the TER (teacher education research) contributors:
homogeneity/ heterogeneity of TER communities on a national level
institutionalization of TER communities
interaction of topical networks of TERs In the discussion, I would be very thankful for your feedback and suggestions in terms of instrumental procedures and more efficient ways for analysis of (sub-)communities and their interconnection patterns.
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