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Методологический семинар ANR-Lab “Детерминанты восприятия людей с расстройством аутистического спектра (РАС) в России”

Мероприятие завершено

В понедельник, 6 июня, в 20:00 состоится научный семинар Международной лаборатории прикладного сетевого анализа, где сотрудники ANR-Lab обсудят готовящуюся статью Ирины Зангиевой и Кирилла Лесных, основанную на исследовании восприятия людей с РАС в России. 

The main goal of this study is to understand what factors are considered to be determinants of people's perceptions and attitudes towards people with ASD. This is a quantitative study; the data was collected through an online social media survey. A total of 1670 respondents were interviewed, of which 1347 people completed the survey completely. Data collection was based on a quota; the following quotas were derived: age, type of city of residence, gender, experience of conscious communication with a person with ASD. Results: four types of perception of autistic people were derived: "People with ASD are with developmental defects", "People with ASD have problems with communication and socialization", "People with ASD have behavioral problems", "People with ASD live in their own world." No relationship was found between types of perception and attitudes towards people with ASD. 

Если Вы хотите принять участие в семинаре, напишите стажеру-исследователю лаборатории Арюне Ким (avkim@hse.ru, +7 (910) 416-72-82).