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ANR-Lab team took part in the seminar “Project culture and project management at the university”

On May 23–25, 2024, a joint visiting seminar of the Academic and Administrative Talent Pools “Project culture and project management at the university” was held at the Voronovo Educational Center of the National Research University Higher School of Economics.

ANR-Lab team took part in the seminar “Project culture and project management at the university”

The development of project culture and project management is an urgent task for the university; its solution promotes integration within university communities, departments, interdisciplinary and disciplinary areas. During the seminar, issues related to different stages of project activity were discussed – project initiation, analysis and implementation of the project, completion of the project.

In addition to questions on the development of the participants’ own projects, the program featured speeches by experts and university leaders dedicated to large projects that have been implemented at HSE – “Literature and Society: the digital platform SOCIOLIT”, “Ethics and Law” – as well as the development of the university itself like a big project.

During the seminar, participants became more familiar with the phenomenon of project activity and approaches to project management, received feedback from experts and found new solutions for the successful implementation of their projects.

Daria Maltseva

Daria Maltseva

Head of ANR-Lab (graduate of the Academic Talent Pool, expert and mentor)

I always take part in Academic Talent Pool events with great interest. I participated as an expert at the stage of selecting projects for participants of Talent Pool last fall, when colleagues were just joining the Pool and now I was very interested to see what my colleagues’ ideas had grown into over the past six months. Expert mentors were divided into groups, and my colleagues and I oversaw five projects that were closest to our research areas. I was very surprised that some teams had already thoroughly developed their ideas and even showed intermediate results – for example, the channel “Unlocking Academia: Scientific Kitchen”, in which our laboratory colleague Lika Kapustina is involved. Despite the “expert” role on the road, the speakers’ presentations were also very interesting and useful for me personally. Some recommendations of Vadim Valerievich Radaev on managing the scientific team have already been accepted for implementation. And finally, something happened for which I love the Academic Talent Pool – I was able to meet new colleagues and introduce some participants to each other. I believe that this is precisely the main goal of our trips.

Irina Pavlova

Irina Pavlova

Senior research fellow, deputy head of ANR-Lab (Administrative Talent Pool)

This year, HSE is implementing a new practice where members of the administrative and academic talent pools work together. This way we often get mixed projects, which is very valuable. I am working with the RMeetUp project, focused on developing a community of R lovers. The project plans to hold meetings and seminars on various topics of working with R, as well as developing a community of those who love R and use this programming language in their scientific and practical work, as well as those who may have difficulty working with R.

Of the many expert presentations, Vadim Valeryevich Radaev’s report “How to Lead Academicians at a University” resonates very well. It is no secret that the corporate culture of the academic community differs from that of companies or government agencies. As the deputy head of the department, it was very valuable for me to hear about the practices of resolving controversial issues and working with conflict situations at the university. And as a researcher, I was interested to hear the system characteristics typical for managing an academic organization.

Lika Kapustina

Lika Kapustina

Research assistant at ANR-lab (Academic Talent Pool)

Perhaps the most interesting thing about the Academic Talent Pool trips is to communicate with other colleagues from different scientific disciplines and hear about their experiences. I really remember the speech of Vice-Rector Vadim Radaev about scientific teams, the speech of the Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science Ivan Arzhantsev about the creation and development of the faculty. The experience of other scientists allows you to understand how differently you can build your scientific career and work, and that it does not necessarily have to be subject to purely project logic and work according to a long-term planning system.

I’m also pleased with the opportunity for informal communication with previously unfamiliar and familiar HSE employees: you will always find someone with whom to walk around Voronovo or have a coffee break in the canteen. Personally, it was nice for me to see colleagues from my project team, formed based on the results of the previous Academic Talent Pool programmes: we are working together on the project “Unlocking Academia: Scientific Kitchen”, and I was glad to see my colleagues again and discuss the development of the project in person. Well, the cherry on the cake – this year I opened the watermelon season in Voronovo!