Workshop "Analysis of Bibliometric Networks" at Tomsk State University
On June 10 -- 11, laboratory deputy head Daria Maltseva and visiting scholar Anja Žnidaršič (University of Maribor, Slovenia) conducted a workshop "Analysis of bibliometric networks" at Tomsk State University.
Bibliometric networks denote different types of relations between publications and their authors, highlighting the underlying models of collaboration between scientists and “communications” between their works (co-authorship, sociating, citing). Data for such networks can be obtained from specialized bibliographic services (WebofScience, Scopus, SICRIS, CiteSeer, ZentralblattMATH, Google Scholar, etc.). In addition to the names of the authors and the names of their works, the researcher can get more detailed information: for authors - organization, country, first and last by the release date of work, for works - publishing house, journal, editors, number and release, pages, keywords, filing date, language, classifier codes. Using different procedures for transforming networks, we can build different types of single-modal and two-modal networks and study the relationships between several bibliometric entities represented in the database (works, authors, journals, keywords, organizations, countries, etc.).
The programme of the workshop can be found here (in Russian).