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Darya Maltseva's internship at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Ljubljana

In December 1-28, 2019, Daria Maltseva had an internship at the Center for Methodology and Informatics of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Ljubljana.

Darya Maltseva's internship at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Ljubljana

As part of the intership, together with professor Vladimir Batagelj Daria managed to finish work on several research projects on bibliometric analysis of the scientific areas of social network analysis (SNA), mixed methods (mixed methods), and various metrics used in information science (iMetrics). The results of the latest research project were presented on December 18 at the Wednesday Seminar No. 1291 at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Ljubljana in the report “iMetrics: The Development of the Discipline with Many Names”.

Different research traditions have developed over time to study the quantitative aspects of information and knowledge production, such as scientometrics, bibliometrics, librametrics, informetrics, cybermetrics, webometrics, or altmetrics. These information metrics, or iMetrics, as they were labeled by Milojević and Leydesdorff (2013), are unified by the usage of quantitative data analysis, applying various statistical methods and techniques and are often used to supplement and complement each other. Representing different research traditions, they jointly form a common research field, a ``discipline with many names''.

In this article, we look at the development of iMetrics field and its evolution over time using bibliometric network analysis and identify its common basis, formed by the most important publications, journals, scholars and topics. The dataset consists of articles from the Web of Science database (26,414 records with complete descriptions). Analyzing the citation network, we evaluate the field's growth and identify the most cited works. Using the Search path count (SPC) approach, we extract the main path, key-route paths, and link islands in the citation network.

As a result, several scientific articles have been prepared. In general, a visit to the Center for Methodology and Informatics of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Ljubljana made it possible to maintain existing ANR-Lab ties and agree on new areas of cooperation between the two organizations.