ANR-Lab hold the Ninth International Summer School "Applied Data Analysis with Python" (TMSA-2018)
The traditional summer school of the International Laboratory for Applied Network Research is over.
Participants were given the opportunity to learn about the ways of using Python in the field of network analysis and to consolidate in practice the acquired skills. The program carried a review material from the basics of the programming language to the application of machine learning in Python, while the participants carried out the practical tasks set by the instructors of this course. As a result of the summer school, the participants deserved the ANR-Lab certificates, the last day of the event ended with informal communication after classes and with the Open Day of the Master's programme "Applied Statistics with Network Analysis".
We would like to thank our instructors: Ilya Makarov, Konstantin Sudarikov: ANR-Lab NRU HSE; Pavel Sulimov: Sberbank, NRU HSE; for holding scientific seminars and transferring professional experience to all those wishing to develop in the field of applied data analysis.