Section “Network Analysis” at the XXI April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development: Call for abstracts
International Laboratory for Applied Network Research is pleased to announce a special section on network analysis at the XXI April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development, which will take place in Moscow, Russia, on April 6-10, 2020.
Having become the premier conference on economic and social issues, this year April conference will again feature a special session “Network Analysis”, traditionally organized by the Laboratory, which attracts a lot of attention from scholars every year. The session will address theoretical and empirical studies from a broad range of disciplines, which rely on network theory or utilize network analysis methods. We invite you to take part in the work of our section by making a presentation in one of the following possible areas:
- network science models and tools for network analysis, including multilevel and complex networks;
- covering of the current gaps in methodology of network analysis;
- creation of network datasets in sociology, management, education, and other fields that focus on the pressing issues;
- creation of cross-sectional and longitudinal models of networks and behavior in a variety of disciplines for testing on real and simulated data;
- evaluating the impact of research design on robustness and resistance of network models;
- creating software applications of new network methodology;
- other networks-related studies.
In addition to the works on methodological issues and models of network analysis, the section welcomes the works focused on semantic discourse analysis, policy networks, and networks in economics, business, science and education.
Working language of the section is English.
Deadline for submission is November 15, 2019.
We are looking forward for your submissions!
All the details about the conference can be found at the conference website: