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10th International Summer School “Analysis of Scientific Networks” and International Workshop on Scientific Networks

10th International Summer School “Analysis of Scientific Networks” and International Workshop on Scientific Networks

On July 15-22, International Laboratory for Applied Network Research, jointly with the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, has conducted the 10th International Summer School “Analysis of Scientific Networks” in the HSE Educational Center “Voronovo”.


This year, the summer school was focused on the bibliometric analysis of scientific networks. The program of the school combined lectures from scholars and students’ work on the projects. Methodological courses were provided by Vladimir Batagelj and Daria Maltseva. Special lectures on bibliometric analysis of scientific networks were provided by ANR-Lab’s scientific advisor Anuška Ferligoj, and special guests Luka Kronegger (University of Ljubljana), Giuseppe Giordano, and Maria Prosperina Vitale (Università di Salerno).

The goal of the school was to teach participants to collect and analyze bibliometric data in the field of their research interests, leading to theoretically sound and methodologically rigorous, publishable papers. School instructors and special guests provided individual consultations and mentoring for participants working on their research problems and data sets.


Participants who made the most progress on their projects also participated in the after-school International Workshop on Scientific Networks. Best papers from the workshop will be invited for submission to a special issue in one of the renowned journals in the field of scientometrics or network analysis – stay tuned to learn more about it.