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ANR-Lab Conducted Commercial Research for New Twinby Dating App

ANR-Lab Conducted Commercial Research for New Twinby Dating App

MASNA graduates Veronika Yakovleva and Valery Klimov have created a new app for the Russian online dating market called Twinby. The key feature of the application is the use of various psychological tests to assess the compatibility of potential partners, along with the most advanced machine learning algorithms. Users fill out the Big Five, Dark Tryad, or other psychometric tests, and the algorithm then shows the percentage of compatibility with other users. They can see in advance a detailed analysis of personality traits which they share.

Laboratory staff helped the startup team to test whether it is possible to predict the romantic preferences and behavior of users based on their personality traits. For this, various types of work were carried out, including group discussions, as well as quantitative network analysis.

Twinby is actively developing and attracting a new audience. Already now, according to the company's internal data, more than 100,000 users from Russia and the CIS countries are registered in the application, and in the AppStore Twinby has confidently approached its main competitors Beboo and Badanga.