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Research & Expertise

Yana-Maria Priestley, Research Assistant of ANR-Lab, has entered the group of high professional capacity (NRU HSE personnel reserve)

International Laboratory for Applied Network Research is organizing a section “SNA in Russia: Progress and Prospects” at the XXXVI SUNBELT Conference

Лаборатория прикладного сетевого анализа организует секцию «Сетевой анализ в России: прогресс и перспективы» на XXXVI Конференции SUNBELT-2016

Illustration for news: Yana-Maria Priestley, the Research Assistant of International Laboratory for Applied network research, became one of the first in HSE’s Student Research Competition

Yana-Maria Priestley, the Research Assistant of International Laboratory for Applied network research, became one of the first in HSE’s Student Research Competition

As 2015 drew to a close, a panel of qualified judges was busy deciding on the results of HSE’s Student Research Competition. Out of nearly a thousand submissions in 17 different fields, a jury selected 94 prize recipients, all of which demonstrate how broad and complex the research interests of HSE’s students are.

Research and Study Group "Network methods and models in text mining": series of the seminars in October-December 2015

In October 2015 Research and Study Group "Network methods and models in text mining" resumed conducting its seminars. The head of the Group is Galina V. Gradoselskaya, assistant professor of the Department of Sociological Research Methods of the School of Sociology and leading research fellow of the International laboratory for Applied Network Research of HSE. The main purpose of the Group is to develop new methods of analysis of textual and communicative information. Seminars are held in Russian in the usual format - presentations of participants, group discussion and Q&A. 

ANR-Lab members Valentina Kuskova and Liudmila Petrova participated in the International Conference EMNet-2015 in Cape Town (South Africa)

Сотрудники ANR-Lab Валентина Кускова и Людмила Петрова приняли участие в Международной конференции EMNet -2015 в Кейптауне (ЮАР)

Illustration for news: Sunbelt-2015


The ANR-Lab staff attended the XXXV Sunbelt Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA).

ANR Extended Seminar Was Held on April 11th

ANR Extended Seminar - Mid-Year Mini-Conference! With Stan in town, we were holding an extended seminar this Saturday, April 11th, starting at noon. Lab members presented their projects - progress from November conference, for bragging and feedback. Also we had guests from other HSE-units.

First ANR-Lab's International Conference on Social Network Analysis

On November 20-21, The NRU HSE International Laboratory for Applied Network Research held its First International Conference on Social Network Analysis. The conference was organized in cooperation with the NRU HSE Faculty of Management, as part of its 7th Annual Conference "Contemporary Problems in Management: Exploring the Boundaries".