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Research & Expertise

Illustration for news: Daria Maltseva at the 15`th Applied Statistics International Conference in Slovenia

Daria Maltseva at the 15`th Applied Statistics International Conference in Slovenia

Deputy Head of ANR-Lab Daria Maltseva took part in the 15th International Conference on Applied Statistics, which was held on September 23-26 in Ribno, Bled (Slovenia).

Illustration for news: Laboratory staff at the ECPR General Conference in Hamburg

Laboratory staff at the ECPR General Conference in Hamburg

Employees of the International Laboratory for Applied Network Research took part in the annual conference of the European Consortium for Political Studies, which was held on August 22-25 in Hamburg, Germany.

Illustration for news: Senior Research Fellow of the ANR-Lab Dmitry Zaytsev took part in 25th World Congress of Political Sciences.

Senior Research Fellow of the ANR-Lab Dmitry Zaytsev took part in 25th World Congress of Political Sciences.

Senior Research Fellow of the ANR-Lab Dmitry Zaytsev took part in 25th World Congress of Political Sciences, which this year was held in Brisbane, Australia.

Illustration for news: ANR-Lab at NetGlow`2018 in St.Petersburg

ANR-Lab at NetGlow`2018 in St.Petersburg

Members of the International laboratory for Applied Network Research took part at the Conference “Networks in the Global World. Principles behind Structures: Patterns of complexity in European societies and beyond”, which was held on July 4-6 in St. Petersburg.

Illustration for news: ANR-Lab at the AIST-2018 conference

ANR-Lab at the AIST-2018 conference

International laboratory for Applied Network Research took part in the AIST-2018 conference.

Illustration for news: ANR-Lab at the International Conference on Network Analysis – Sunbelt 2018 in Utrecht, Netherlands.

ANR-Lab at the International Conference on Network Analysis – Sunbelt 2018 in Utrecht, Netherlands.

16 employees of the laboratory and students of the master's program "Applied Statistics with Social Network Analysis" presented the results of their research at the main international conference among network researchers - XXXVIII Sunbelt Conference. The conference was held from June 26 to July 1 in Utrecht, the Netherlands.

Illustration for news: International laboratory for Applied Network Research took part in the NET-2018 conference

International laboratory for Applied Network Research took part in the NET-2018 conference

On May 18-19, the 8th International Conference on Network Analysis was held, organized by our friends and colleagues – Laboratory of Algorithms and Technologies for Networks Analysis – together with Yandex and the Laboratory of Advanced Combinatorics and Network Applications of MIPT. The conference was held in Yandex office in Moscow.

Illustration for news: ANR-Lab at the conference “New Advances in Statistical Methods Applications for a Better World” in Croatia

ANR-Lab at the conference “New Advances in Statistical Methods Applications for a Better World” in Croatia

ANR-Lab members took part at the 2nd International Statistical Conference in Croatia (ISCCRO`18) “New Advances in Statistical Methods Applications for a Better World”, which was organized by the Croatian Statistical Association (CSA) and took place in Croatia, Opatija on May 10-11th.

Illustration for news: ANR-Lab: first time at the VIII Sociology Grushin Conference

ANR-Lab: first time at the VIII Sociology Grushin Conference

The members of the ANR-Lab took part at theVIII Sociology Grushin Conference “Sociologist 2.0: a Profession in Transformation”

Illustration for news: We are at the conference "Networks 4.0. The Speed of Changes»

We are at the conference "Networks 4.0. The Speed of Changes»

ANR-Lab members took part in the open stand up conference “Networks 4.0. The Speed of Changes”, which took place on April 13 at the “Boiling Point ASI”.