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International Laboratory for Applied Network Research

Internet in the Post-Soviet Area: Technological, Economic and Political Aspects

Davydov S. G., Sharikov A., Eremina A. et al.

Cham: Springer, 2023.

Why Young Adults Consume Media Content About Serial Killers: Evidence from Russia In press

Гулина Е. В., Осокина Д. А., Любич Л. А. et al.

Crime, Media, Culture. 2025.

Book chapter
AI Systems and the Possibility of Moral Decision-making in Smart Cities

Kartasheva Anna, Tomiltseva D.

In bk.: 2024 IEEE Ural-Siberian Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Radioelectronics and Information Technology (USBEREIT), 13-15 May 2024. IEEE, 2024. P. 185-187.

Working paper
Clustering and Blockmodeling Temporal Networks - Two Indirect Approaches In press

Batagelj V.

Classification and Data Science in the Digital Age. Springer, 2023

The International Laboratory for Applied Network Research NRU HSE develops and tests new methods for analyzing network data, applying them in empirical research in various scientific fields. The ANR-Lab members get represented by researchers from sociology, political science, economics, management, mathematics, statistics, computer linguistics, and computer science. We maintain cooperation with Russian and international scientists and research groups working in the field of network analysis.

In the autumn of 2017, our Lab launched the master's programme 'Data Analytics and Social Statistics' (previously – 'Applied Statistics with Network Analysis').


HSE University currently have an open competition for the Program to Attract Russian Postdocs. As part of the competition, two vacancies for postdocs (research fellows) are open in the division 'International Laboratory for Applied Network Research' (ANR Lab).
March 20
 As part of the additional recruitment campaign for HSE students and postgraduates, the ANR-Lab has an open position for a research intern (1 place for a bachelor's or master's student and 2 places for postgraduate students). The application deadline is March 12.
March 06
On February 6, the general meeting of the University Consortium of Big Data Researchers, which unites 78 universities from Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan, was held at Penza State University. Experts discussed the development of data analysis and artificial intelligence, and outlined new educational and research projects.
February 15
In 2024, the ZIRCON research group, the SocioLogos platform, and the HSE International Laboratory of Applied Network Research, in partnership with OMI, conducted a study on professional communications in the Russian research community.
February 03
We are pleased to announce that the laboratory's work has been extended for three years. In 2025-2027 the International Laboratory of Applied Network Research is participating in a collective fundamental project of four laboratories 'The diversity of forms, effects and barriers to integration of modern Russian society in synchronic and diachronic dimensions'.
January 31
ANR-Lab research assistant Daria Osokina and intern Polina Ermolaeva became the winners of the competition for the best student research paper of 2024, taking 2nd and 3rd places, respectively, in the nomination 'Best research paper in sociology for master's students and graduates of 2024'.
January 17
On December 26, 2024, Sergei Davydov, an analyst at the International Laboratory for Applied Network Analysis, took part as an invited expert in the final meeting of the VСIOM Scientific Council on the topic: 'Russian Society-2024: Results of the Year and Main Trends.'
December 30, 2024
On November 30, the Faculty of Social Sciences held an Open Day of educational programmes at the HSE University, where the master's programme 'Data Analytics and Social Statistics' was presented.
December 07, 2024
On November 9, a hybrid meetup was held by the International Laboratory for Applied Network Research (ANR-Lab) and the Master's programme 'Data Analytics and Social Statistics' (DASS). The event brought together students and graduates of the DASS (ex-MASNA) master's programme, team and friends of the laboratory to discuss how the programme is doing and what opportunities for collaboration exist.
November 19, 2024
From October 7 to 11, Sirius hosted the conference 'Approximations, Graphs, Networks, and Intelligent Data Analysis' dedicated to the development of mathematical aspects of data mining methods related to approximation and network (graph-based) models. Our laboratory's junior research fellow Anna Semenova took part in the conference with a report 'Network Analysis of International Conflicts'.
October 30, 2024
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