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Prof. Wasserman will participate as key speaker in workshop "Multivariate Techniques for the Analysis of Network Data"

Prof. Wasserman will participate as key speaker in workshop  "Multivariate Techniques for the Analysis of Network Data", Solerno, Italy.

We are in Indiana University News Release

IU network researcher Stanley Wasserman in collaboration with faculty from the National Research University Higher School of Economics (NRU HSE) in Russia received a $1.5 million grant to set up an International Laboratory for Applied Network Research at the Russian university.

ANR’s Summer Schools Are a Great Success

Another one of “first” laboratory ventures, summer schools, were a great success. Dubbed TMSA (“Theory and Methods of Social network Analysis”), they became known as TMSA-I and TMSA-II, as after careful consideration, a decision was made to hold not one, but two summer schools. One was dedicated to the introduction to social network analysis (SNA) for those who were not familiar with network methodology but wanted to start using it in their research activities, and another – to more advanced SNA methods for more advanced SNA users. Both schools were united by a common structure: lectures on theory building, methodology of SNA, project work, and hands-on experience with SNA software.

ANR Makes a Strong International Debut

The lab made its presence known to the world at the First European Conference on Social Networks (EUSN) (http://jornades.uab.cat/eusn/content/welcome-1st-european-conference-social-networks-eusn), held in Barcelona, Spain, in July of 2014. With four presentations, ANR researchers made a strong statement on the lab’s commitment to rigorous research with network methodology.

Valentina Kuskova is one of the best teachers

Between May 26 and June 7 of this year, students voted for the best HSE teachers of the year. In voting for the best teachers, students are able to voice their opinions since the “consumer” is directly evaluating the quality of academics. In addition, the competition gives encouragement to the university’s most “popular” instructors. Valentina Kuskova has became one of the best teachers at faculty of management.

Российский сетевой анализ начинается в Вышке

В Высшей школе экономики создана Международная лаборатория прикладного сетевого анализа. О развитии нового научного направления и основных задачах лаборатории рассказывают ее руководители — профессор Университета Индианы Стэнли Вассерман и заместитель декана факультета менеджмента ВШЭ Валентина Кускова.