About the networks in Paris
On June 14-17 Sciences Po with the support of INSNA – International Network for Social Network Analysis – at Paris, France hosted the Second European Conference on Social Networks.
Nets in Nizhny Novgorod
Valentina Kuskova and Daria Maltseva took part in The Sixth International Conference on Network Analysis NET 2016
“Applied Network Analysis: Models and Applications” at the XVII April International Academic Conference
On April 20 within the XVII April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development the Laboratory for Applied Network Research has held a section “Applied Network Analysis: Models and Applications”.
“SNA in Russia: Progress and Prospects”
International Laboratory for Applied Network Research has held a section “SNA in Russia: Progress and Prospects” at SUNBELT-2016 Conference
ANR-Lab members took part in the International Conference "AIST-2016"
Research assistants of the Laboratory for Applied Network Research Rustam Kamalov and Georgy Mkrtchyan took part in the 5th International Conference On Analysis of Images, Social Networks, And Texts (AIST-2016), which was held on April 7-9th in Yekaterinburg.
Acadenic writing in English
On 11-13 March Valentina V. Kuskova held second seminar about Academic writing in Network analysis.

Academic writing in Network analysis has been launched
On 27-27 February Valentina V. Kuskova held the seminar about Academic writing in Network analysis
International Laboratory for Applied Network Research is organizing a section “SNA in Russia: Progress and Prospects” at the XXXVI SUNBELT Conference
Лаборатория прикладного сетевого анализа организует секцию «Сетевой анализ в России: прогресс и перспективы» на XXXVI Конференции SUNBELT-2016