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Illustration for news: Valentina Kuskova shared her experience in creating the ANR-Lab-based MASNA educational program

Valentina Kuskova shared her experience in creating the ANR-Lab-based MASNA educational program

Valentina Kuskova, Head of the ANR-Lab, shared her experience in creating the master's programme “Applied Statistics with Network Analysis” at the seminar on the exchange of experience in implementing the project “HSE International Laboratories”, which was held on February 20 at the HSE.

Illustration for news: Students of MASNA programme and members of ANR-Lab are the winners and laureates of the Student Research Paper Competition held by HSE University

Students of MASNA programme and members of ANR-Lab are the winners and laureates of the Student Research Paper Competition held by HSE University

Ekaterina Melianova, Kirill Lesnykh and Marya Vorobyova are the winners and laureates of the HSE Student Research Paper Competition. Congratulations to our students and colleagues and their scientific supervisors Irina Zangieva and Daria Maltseva on winning the competition.

Illustration for news: The first-year student of the MASNA master's programme won the intellectual game “What?” Where? When?” on the Channel One

The first-year student of the MASNA master's programme won the intellectual game “What?” Where? When?” on the Channel One

The team of the first-year student of the programme “Applied Statistics with Network Analysis” Mikhail Novoselov won the final game “What? Where? When?”, which was held on December 29, 2019. Experts of the club’s youngest team won the final game of the year for the first time in 5 years.

Illustration for news: Our team members at the workshop «Studying Policy Tools: Procedural Tools and Instrument Calibrations» in Melbourne

Our team members at the workshop «Studying Policy Tools: Procedural Tools and Instrument Calibrations» in Melbourne

On January 23-24, a workshop on the study of policy tools was held at the University of Melbourne, Australia. Valentina Kuskova, Head of ANR-Lab, and Dmitry Zaitsev, Leading Research Fellow, made presentation “Policy Tools and Policy Networks: Application of Social Network Analysis”. 

Illustration for news: The monograph by Daria Maltseva “Network approach in sociology” was recognized as the best scientific publication in sociology at the competition “University Book 2019”

The monograph by Daria Maltseva “Network approach in sociology” was recognized as the best scientific publication in sociology at the competition “University Book 2019”

The monograph by Daria Maltseva “Network approach in sociology: the genesis of ideas and application”, printed by the publishing house of the Novosibirsk State Technical University (NSTU) in 2017, received a diploma “The best scientific publication in sociology” at the II International University Competition of Publications for Higher Educational Institutions “University Book 2019: Social and Human Sciences”. Diploma for the book was received by the Publishing House of the Novosibirsk State Technical University.

Illustration for news: Darya Maltseva's internship at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Ljubljana

Darya Maltseva's internship at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Ljubljana

In December 1-28, 2019, Daria Maltseva had an internship at the Center for Methodology and Informatics of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Ljubljana.

Illustration for news: A new book of scientific supervisors of ANR-Lab Anuška Ferligoj and Vladimir Batagelj, dedicated to new achievements in blockmodeling

A new book of scientific supervisors of ANR-Lab Anuška Ferligoj and Vladimir Batagelj, dedicated to new achievements in blockmodeling

In January 2020, Wiley published the book "Advances in Network Clustering and Blockmodeling", edited by the ANR-Lab leading foreign experts Anuška Ferligoj and Vladimir Batagelj, jointly with Patrick Doreian. The work contains an overview of developments and achievements in the field of network clustering and blockmodeling over the past 10 years.

Illustration for news: We invite authors to submit papers for the special issue “Scientific Networks” in the journal Network Science

We invite authors to submit papers for the special issue “Scientific Networks” in the journal Network Science

We invite authors to participate in a Special issue of Network Science journal (Q2), which was initiated by the ANR-Lab as a result of the International Workshop on scientific networks (Moscow, July 2019). Authors interested in contributing to the special issue should send an extended abstract of 2-5 pages by January, 30. 

Illustration for news: ANR-Lab's New Three-Year Cycle: Plans for 2020 – 2022

ANR-Lab's New Three-Year Cycle: Plans for 2020 – 2022

ANR-Lab successfully completed three-year cycle of activities for 2017 – 2019 and received funding for 2020 – 2022.

Illustration for news: Our Students Became Winners of the International Data Science and Machine Learning Competition from Kaggle

Our Students Became Winners of the International Data Science and Machine Learning Competition from Kaggle

Ekaterina Melianova and Artem Volgin, second year students of the Master's Program "Applied Statistics with Network Analysis," took a second place in the Kaggle international competition on Data Science and Machine Learning. Based on survey data from 19717 respondents from 171 countries, they analyzed the community of PhD holders in the field of Data Science.