Master's programme MASNA in the podcast of the project "Vyshka On the Line"
Daria Maltseva and Ivan Klimov recorded a podcast episode about the MASNA programme for the project "Vyshka On the Line".
Special issue of the journal 'Sociology: 4M' on network analysis
The journal 'Sociology: 4M' and the International Laboratory for Applied Network Research announce the preparation of a special issue of the journal dedicated to the methodology of network analysis in the social sciences. Guest editor – candidate of social sciences Daria Maltseva. Estimated release date of the issue is December 2023.
ANR-lab on HSE Faculty of Social Sciences birthday, April 22
On April 22, the birthday of the Faculty of Social Sciences took place, in which the ANR-lab took part.
ANR-Lab Roundtable at the Yasin conference
On April 11, within the framework of the XXIV Yasin (April) international scientific conference on the problems of the development of the economy and society, a Roundtable ANR-Lab 'Theory and application of network analysis' was held. Laboratory staff and external speakers made presentations.
ANR-Lab employees Aryuna Kim and Daria Maltseva published an article in the Q1 journal
In March, Quality & Quantity journal published an article by Aryuna Kim and Daria Maltseva ‘Qualitative social network analysis: studying the field through the bibliographic approach’.
ANR-Lab birthday
On April 9, the International Laboratory for Applied Network Research turns 9 years old.
The position of the Russian postdoc in ANR-Lab
Within the framework of the competition of the Program for attracting Russian postdocs, a vacancy for a Postdoc (Research Fellow) has been opened at the International Laboratory for Applied Network Research (ANR-Lab).
ANR-Lab and HSE Online launch Network Analytics for Business online specialization
A specialization with a focus on current industry cases is designed for practicing business analysts who seek to supplement their professional toolkit with the latest analytical methods.
Three ANR-Lab members were enrolled in the HSE High Potential Groups
Congratulations to Aryuna Kim and Tamara Shcheglova on being admitted to the Young Faculty Support Programme in the “New Researchers” category, and Alexander Zabolotsky to the Professional Development Programme for Administrative Staff.