III International Summer Scool "Theory and methods of Modeling in Network Analysis"
From June 29 to July 3, ANR-Lab held an International Summer School on the theory and methods of modeling in network analysis.
The ANR-Lab staff attended the XXXV Sunbelt Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA).
ANR Extended Seminar Was Held on April 11th
ANR Extended Seminar - Mid-Year Mini-Conference! With Stan in town, we were holding an extended seminar this Saturday, April 11th, starting at noon. Lab members presented their projects - progress from November conference, for bragging and feedback. Also we had guests from other HSE-units.
First ANR-Lab's International Conference on Social Network Analysis
On November 20-21, The NRU HSE International Laboratory for Applied Network Research held its First International Conference on Social Network Analysis. The conference was organized in cooperation with the NRU HSE Faculty of Management, as part of its 7th Annual Conference "Contemporary Problems in Management: Exploring the Boundaries".
Prof. Wasserman will participate as key speaker in workshop "Multivariate Techniques for the Analysis of Network Data"
Prof. Wasserman will participate as key speaker in workshop "Multivariate Techniques for the Analysis of Network Data", Solerno, Italy.
ANR’s Summer Schools Are a Great Success
Another one of “first” laboratory ventures, summer schools, were a great success. Dubbed TMSA (“Theory and Methods of Social network Analysis”), they became known as TMSA-I and TMSA-II, as after careful consideration, a decision was made to hold not one, but two summer schools. One was dedicated to the introduction to social network analysis (SNA) for those who were not familiar with network methodology but wanted to start using it in their research activities, and another – to more advanced SNA methods for more advanced SNA users. Both schools were united by a common structure: lectures on theory building, methodology of SNA, project work, and hands-on experience with SNA software.