About the ANR-Lab summer school 'Web-scraping and API for social scientific research'
On August 5, the summer school 'Web-scraping and API for social scientific research', conducted by ANR-Lab employee Lika Kapustina, ended.

ANR-Lab and HSE Online launch Network Analytics for Business online specialization
A specialization with a focus on current industry cases is designed for practicing business analysts who seek to supplement their professional toolkit with the latest analytical methods.

ANR-Lab and MASNA launch data science courses from foreign professors for external students
For the first time in the three years of the Master's programme “Applied Statistics with Network Analysis Methods”, the International Laboratory for Applied Network Research opens courses taught by leading foreign experts and professors of the program to external students. Upon successful completion of the course, students are given an official HSE certificate for 4 ECTS credits. As with the entire program, the focus of the courses is on the applied aspects of data analysis. All courses start from scratch, allowing to learn specific methods even to those who are not familiar with the data analysis.
Workshops, webinars and meetups on applied data analysis and network research: new meeting formats in ANR-Lab and MASNA
This fall, we are restarting our meetings in new formats: following organizational expansion, the time has come to expand the types of activities we offer that are open to the general public.

10th International Summer School “Analysis of Scientific Networks” and International Workshop on Scientific Networks
ANR-Lab, jointly with the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, has conducted the 10th International Summer School “Analysis of Scientific Networks” and the International Workshop on Scientific Networks.

ANR-Lab at the Third St. Petersburg Summer School on Network Analysis
Some of the Lab's members took part in the Third St. Petersburg Summer School on Network Analysis, which was held on July 8-13, 2019.

Workshop "Analysis of Bibliometric Networks" at Tomsk State University
On June 10 and 11, Daria Maltseva, Deputy Laboratory Head, and Anja Žnidaršič, PhD University of Maribor, Slovenia, organized a workshop "Analysis of Bibliometric Networks" at Tomsk State University.
Workshop “Analysis of Bibliographic Networks” at the conference «Networks in the Global World» in St. Petersburg: call for participation
Invitation to the workshop “Analysis of Bibliographic Networks” of Vladimir Batagelj and Daria Maltseva at the conference "Networks in the global world", which will take place on July 4 – 6, 2018 in St. Petersburg.

ANR-Lab`s Summer School on network data clustering with the professors from the University of Ljubljana
On June 19-24, 2017, International Laboratory for Applied Network Research has held the Seventh International Summer School «Theory and Methods of Network Analysis» (TMSA-2017) on methods and applications of network data clustering.

Internship at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Ljubljana
From March 1 to May 27, Senior Researcher of the ANR-Lab Daria Maltseva trains at the Center for Methodology and Informatics of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Ljubljana