ANR-Lab employees took part in the Networks2021 conference
On July 5-10, Networks2021 was held – joint conference of Sunbelt and NetSci, the main international conferences on network analysis and network science. Nine laboratory members made oral and poster presentations at the conference and took part in workshops within the conference framework.
ANR-Lab employees took part in the STS Italia Conference
On June 17-19, the 8th STS Italia International Conference "Dis/Entangling Technoscience" was held, dedicated to the interaction between technoscience and society. Seven ANR-Lab members made presentations in the track "The New Role of R&D Networks and Evaluation Processes in the Time of "Big Science.""

We have a Telegram Channel "Nodes and Links"
We have recently launched a Telegram channel about network analysis. There we talk about key books and articles, upcoming events in the world of networks, top network researchers, and our laboratory.

Valentina Kuskova shared her experience in creating the ANR-Lab-based MASNA educational program
Valentina Kuskova, Head of the ANR-Lab, shared her experience in creating the master's programme “Applied Statistics with Network Analysis” at the seminar on the exchange of experience in implementing the project “HSE International Laboratories”, which was held on February 20 at the HSE.

Darya Maltseva's internship at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Ljubljana
In December 1-28, 2019, Daria Maltseva had an internship at the Center for Methodology and Informatics of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Ljubljana.
Workshops, webinars and meetups on applied data analysis and network research: new meeting formats in ANR-Lab and MASNA
This fall, we are restarting our meetings in new formats: following organizational expansion, the time has come to expand the types of activities we offer that are open to the general public.

Anja Žnidaršič's visit to ANR-Lab
Anja Žnidaršič' (PhD, University of Maribor, Slovenia) has visited ANR-Lab according to the HSE International Scholar's Visit Program.
ANR-Lab at the XX April International Scientific Conference of the Higher School of Economics
At the XX April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development, ANR-Lab organized its own section "Network Analysis".
Anuška Ferligoj presented at the ANR-Lab Monday open seminar
New scientific advisor of the ANR-Lab prof. dr. Anuška Ferligoj has made a presentation on the topic “Measuring networks: Reliability and Validity” at the Monday open seminar.

Darya Maltseva's monograph "The Network Approach in Sociology" was published
The publishing house of the NSTU published a monograph of the Deputy head of ANR-Lab Daria Maltseva "Network approach in sociology: the genesis of ideas and applications".