Special issue of the journal Sociology 4M, dedicated to network analysis, edited by ANR-Lab
A special issue of the journal 'Sociology: Methodology, Methods, Mathematical Modeling' (Sociology:4M) has been published, dedicated to the methodology of network analysis in social sciences. The guest editor of the issue was the head of ANR-Lab Daria Maltseva, and 3 out of 5 articles were written by the laboratory members.
The article by ANR-lab employees 'Myths and Beliefs about medical microchip implants in Russia, Ukraine and Slovenia' is published
Stanislav Moiseev, Daria Maltseva and Tamara Shcheglova, in collaboration with foreign colleagues, conducted a comparative study of the attitude of Russia, Ukraine and Slovenia population to passive RFID microchips within the framework of the Fundamental Research Program of the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE).

Special issue of the journal 'Sociology: 4M' on network analysis
The journal 'Sociology: 4M' and the International Laboratory for Applied Network Research announce the preparation of a special issue of the journal dedicated to the methodology of network analysis in the social sciences. Guest editor – candidate of social sciences Daria Maltseva. Estimated release date of the issue is December 2023.

ANR-Lab employees Aryuna Kim and Daria Maltseva published an article in the Q1 journal
In March, Quality & Quantity journal published an article by Aryuna Kim and Daria Maltseva ‘Qualitative social network analysis: studying the field through the bibliographic approach’.

A new book of scientific supervisors of ANR-Lab Anuška Ferligoj and Vladimir Batagelj, dedicated to new achievements in blockmodeling
In January 2020, Wiley published the book "Advances in Network Clustering and Blockmodeling", edited by the ANR-Lab leading foreign experts Anuška Ferligoj and Vladimir Batagelj, jointly with Patrick Doreian. The work contains an overview of developments and achievements in the field of network clustering and blockmodeling over the past 10 years.
We invite authors to submit papers for the special issue “Scientific Networks” in the journal Network Science
We invite authors to participate in a Special issue of Network Science journal (Q2), which was initiated by the ANR-Lab as a result of the International Workshop on scientific networks (Moscow, July 2019). Authors interested in contributing to the special issue should send an extended abstract of 2-5 pages by January, 30.

ANR-Lab at the AIST-2018 conference
International laboratory for Applied Network Research took part in the AIST-2018 conference.

ANR-Lab at the International Conference on Network Analysis – Sunbelt 2018 in Utrecht, Netherlands.
16 employees of the laboratory and students of the master's program "Applied Statistics with Social Network Analysis" presented the results of their research at the main international conference among network researchers - XXXVIII Sunbelt Conference. The conference was held from June 26 to July 1 in Utrecht, the Netherlands.

Darya Maltseva's monograph "The Network Approach in Sociology" was published
The publishing house of the NSTU published a monograph of the Deputy head of ANR-Lab Daria Maltseva "Network approach in sociology: the genesis of ideas and applications".