Darya Maltseva's internship at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Ljubljana
In December 1-28, 2019, Daria Maltseva had an internship at the Center for Methodology and Informatics of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Ljubljana.

ANR-Lab at the 4th European Conference on Social Networks (EUSN 2019)
ANR-Lab members took part in the 4th European Conference on Social Networks (EUSN 2019), whichwas held on September 9-12 in Zurich, Switzerland.

Daria Maltseva at the 14th European Sociological Association Conference 2019 in Manchester, UK
Daria Maltseva took part in the 14th European Sociological Association Conference 2019, which was held on August 20-23 in Manchester, UK.

10th International Summer School “Analysis of Scientific Networks” and International Workshop on Scientific Networks
ANR-Lab, jointly with the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, has conducted the 10th International Summer School “Analysis of Scientific Networks” and the International Workshop on Scientific Networks.

Visit of Marjan Cugmas (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia) to ANR-Lab
On April 8-12, Marjan Сugmas, PhD student and researcher from the Centre for Methodology and Informatics of the University of Ljubljana, has visited ANR-Lab.

Daria Maltseva made a presentation at the “Sredin Seminar” at the Faculty of Mathematics of the University of Ljubljana
On November 21 and 28, ANR-Lab senior research fellow Daria Maltseva made a presentation at the “Sredin Seminar” (No. 1282/1283) at the Faculty of Mathematics of the University of Ljubljana.
Anuška Ferligoj presented at the ANR-Lab Monday open seminar
New scientific advisor of the ANR-Lab prof. dr. Anuška Ferligoj has made a presentation on the topic “Measuring networks: Reliability and Validity” at the Monday open seminar.

22nd Young Statisticians Meeting in Zagreb (Croatia)
Senior Researcher of the International Laboratory for Applied Network Research Daria Maltseva took part in the 22nd Young Statisticians Meeting, which was held on October 13-15, 2017 in Zagreb, Croatia.

ANR-Lab`s Summer School on network data clustering with the professors from the University of Ljubljana
On June 19-24, 2017, International Laboratory for Applied Network Research has held the Seventh International Summer School «Theory and Methods of Network Analysis» (TMSA-2017) on methods and applications of network data clustering.

Internship at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Ljubljana
From March 1 to May 27, Senior Researcher of the ANR-Lab Daria Maltseva trains at the Center for Methodology and Informatics of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Ljubljana